In recent years, a number of U.S. employers have been rehiring their retirees to fill scheduling gaps. In theory, employers benefit from retaining experienced workers, while retirees benefit from remaining active and supplementing their income. Although market conditions are very different in the U.S., should Canadian employers consider following this lead?
What’s the next big trend in fixed income (FI) investing? “The big issue for bonds right now,” says Dave Makarchuk, a partner with Mercer who leads the investment consulting business for Western Canada, “is that many plan sponsors believe rates will rise soon, so they’re tending to put off investing more in longer-duration bonds. However, […]
While pension plan sponsors continue to use their fixed income (FI) assets primarily to meet liabilities, there’s been an unmistakable shift over the past few years in the types of FI holdings found in Canadian plans. Many are moving away from the “vanilla” government bonds that have typically made up the majority of FI portfolios […]