The issue of a national pharmacare program is more nuanced than it may appear at first glance, said Joe Farago during a presentation at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 20. “Canadians are starting to change their views,” said Innovative Medicines Canada’s executive director, private payers and investment, during the conference. Farago pointed to a national poll of health-care providers, managers and the […]
Perceptions of pharmacists are behind the times. While plan members, and even plan sponsors, may see the role of the pharmacist as primarily counting pills, there’s much more that goes into filling a prescription, delegates heard at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit in September. This includes keeping up to date with medications, talking with patients and thinking […]
As the former senior vice-president of sales in the group customer division of the Great-West Life Assurance Co., Jeff Aarssen is very familiar with drug plans and the challenges facing plans sponsors and administrators. But as someone who has suffered with rheumatoid arthritis for nearly four decades, he also sees those issues in a distinctive light: from the patient […]
For Jonathan Zaid, the benefits of medical cannabis aren’t theoretical or clinical; they’re deeply personal. Diagnosed at age 14 with daily persistent headache, a rare and extremely painful condition, Zaid tried more than 40 medications before medical marijuana enabled him to sleep through the night for the first time in five years. Now the director […]
Despite significant awareness and discussion around what ails Canada’s health-care system, little has changed, said Rose Dipchand at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit on Sept. 20. Substantial economic challenges remain, the population continues to get older and unhealthier, wait times are still increasing and there’s poor adherence to treatment, noted Pharmasave’s regional manager of professional […]
Plan sponsors and administrators walk a razor’s edge, striving to ensure members have access to the services they need while also making certain the plan is financially sustainable. Working collaboratively with health-care providers is a critical step, but these partnerships have often proved elusive, delegates heard at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit. “There is a disconnect. We […]
While the impact of biologics on patients has proven successful, it’s counterbalanced by an equally significant fiscal impact, delegates heard at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit in September. “The impact of biologics on patients is incredible,” said Ned Pojskic, leader of pharmacy and health provider relations at Green Shield Canada. However, he added, the industry has to […]
Don’t confuse biosimilars with generic drugs, cautioned Dr. Ian Blumer at the 2018 Halifax Benefits Summit in September. While the terms may be used interchangeably, these two types of drugs aren’t the same thing, said the endocrinologist and director of the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre in Whitby, Ont., during his presentation. “Generic drugs are chemicals. […]
Employers looking to enhance productivity could consider introducing a new program for workers that would encourage them to take a nap each day. The idea has caught on in the United States with organizations like Google Inc., Ben & Jerry’s and the House of Representatives all offering employees the opportunity to get a little shuteye […]
With 3.4 million Canadians living with the disease, diabetes is taking a toll on Canadians and the country’s health system. In addition to the human toll, there’s a significant economic impact. The disease cost the Canadian health system $12.2 billion in 2010, a figure expected to rise to $16.9 billion by 2020. As well, Irene […]