Dr. Milan Gupta has a heartfelt message for plan sponsors, managers and employees: Cardiovascular disease is a problem, and it’s one that’s not going away any time soon. “Every seven minutes, a Canadian dies of [cardiovascular disease] and it is the leading cause of death in women. It kills more women than all cancers combined,” […]
Seven years ago, sales of generic drugs were having a significant impact on drug plan costs. Those savings, however, are declining as overall pharmaceutical costs are climbing once more. Between 2010 and 2020, estimates suggest the demand for specialty drugs, including biologics, will grow by 600 per cent to more than $12 billion, according to […]
Understanding how members are using their benefits plans and how that use has changed is central to ensuring a successful and sustainable plan. For Medavie Blue Cross, that understanding comes from data from 300,000 health-care providers encompassing 2.9 million Canadians who receive $3.5 billion in benefit claims a year. In Atlantic Canada, as elsewhere in the […]
No individual employer is going to change the reality of an aging demographic or generational attitudes, but there are several things organizations can do to make work more satisfying for younger employees, a professor told participants at an event in Halifax on Tuesday. Speaking at Benefits Canada‘s 2017 Halifax Benefits Summit, Karen Foster, an associate professor […]