With insurance costs rising for North American companies and their employees, implementing innovative solutions to improve wellness and slow down costs has become a business imperative. But reducing this steep climb in health costs is actually easier than one might think. With some simple ideas and a bit of determination on the part of employers […]
The benefits of promoting healthy lifestyles in the workplace have been proven; good employee health boosts productivity, stimulates creativity and reduces company insurance costs. Creating a structured wellness program prepares businesses and their employees to meet the demands of the new economy, which requires high levels of creativity, immediate responsiveness and ever-shorter turnaround times. Studies […]
Over the last 20 years, we have seen the emergence of a major trend in North America: employee health and wellness are suffering. In Canada and the United States, there have been alarming increases of hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Between 1994 and 2005, the rates of arterial hypertension among Canadians increased by 77%, diabetes by […]