FUNDING ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH DEFINED BENEFIT(DB)pension plans continue to dominate pension news. Almost without exception, the stories about these DB plans have been quite gloomy for the past few years. In the immediate aftermath of the dot-com bust, conventional wisdom suggested that the DB plan funding issues were caused by poor market returns. As time […]
ON JUNE 9, 2005 THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA released its long-awaited decision in Chaoulli and Zeliotis v. Quebec. The decision will almost certainly have far-reaching implications for the provision of public health insurance across Canada. The issue of whether the Chaoulli case will lead to a twotier system of healthcare or a more significant […]
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION IS AN ISSUE THAT MOVES IN and out of the headlines. And, from time to time, it surfaces in the courtroom. Shareholder activists, as well as major institutional investors including pension funds, have begun to express concerns about large payments to executives. Increasingly, major shareholders have also sought to hold corporate boards of […]