With the federal government introducing pooled registered pension plans, the future of pensions is top of mind for plan sponsors, providers and each of the provinces. Where is pension reform at across Canada?
Dec. 2, 2010 P.E.I. government introduces Bill 30, Pension Benefits Act, the province’s proposed provincial pension standards legislation. Jessica Bullock is in the pension and employee benefits group with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.
Mar. 17, 2011 Quebec Government tables 2011 Quebec Budget and announces proposal to implement voluntary retirement savings plans (VRSPs). Further details respecting VRSPs are set out in document entitled A Stronger Retirement Income System. Nov. 30, 2011 Quebec government directs the Régie des rentes du Quebec to establish an independent expert committee to study DB […]
Nov. 14, 2008 Alberta/British Columbia Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards releases its final report. Jessica Bullock is in the pension and employee benefits group with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.
Nov. 14, 2008 Alberta/British Columbia Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards releases its final report. Jessica Bullock is in the pension and employee benefits group with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.
Jan. 27, 2009 Pension Review Panel releases its final report regarding private sector pension plans. March 5, 2010 Nova Scotia Government releases discussion paper on pensions based on recommendations made by the Pension Review Panel. Nov. 15, 2011 Bill 96, Pension Benefits Act, is released, repealing the existing Nova Scotia Pension Benefits Act and replacing […]
Oct. 28, 2010 New Brunswick government announces appointment of an expert panel to study pensions. Aug. 8, 2011 New Brunswick Task Force on Protecting Pensions releases a briefing note outlining its plan to examine the pension risk management practices and regulatory structures adopted by other jurisdictions and review submissions “that promote and protect pension coverage.” […]
March 30, 2010 Manitoba Pension Benefits Amendment Act receives Royal Assent. Amendments to the Manitoba Pension Benefits Act (MPBA) effective March 31, 2010:portability must be offered on termination of plan membership; and enhanced disclosure requirements. Amendments to the MPBA effective May 31, 2010: immediate vesting; new surplus distribution rules; requirement for plan to be administered […]
Nov. 21, 2008 Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions releases its final report. May 18, 2010 Bill 236, Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010, receives Royal Assent. Amendments to the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (OPBA) effective May 18, 2010: changes to surplus entitlement and withdrawal rules. Amendments to the OPBA effective on a date to be proclaimed: […]