Determining the net effect harmonised sales taxes (HST) will have on pension plans and pension plan sponsors is still a bit of a crystal ball-gazing exercise, since legislation or explanation has yet to be drafted or released by Ottawa. Although there may be positive effects for Ontario businesses, there is a very good chance the […]
Everybody wants to know where the bottom is these days. Happily, analysts are beginning to say preconditions for a recovery are slowly coming into place, but they also say repairing the damage done by a bear market takes time and this current uptick is beginning to look a little long in the tooth. Andy MacLean, […]
An economic downturn might be coming and this government wants Canadians to save for a rainy day. It hopes to encourage them to do as much by introducing Tax-Free Savings Accounts. This cornerstone in the 2008 Federal Budget was the first, and arguably the largest initiative announced on the floor of the House of Commons […]
A new survey from Scotiabank has found that 40% of Canadians have made an average of three withdrawals from their RRSPs and nearly half of those who have made at least one withdrawal do not intend to pay it back. Canadians taking money out of their RSPs withdrew an average of $18,000. Of those, 37% […]