Many Canadians aged 45 to 54, the first age group to be affected by the OAS age increase proposed by the government, were already planning on working past age 65, according to CIBC polls conducted by Harris/Decima this past September.
With its seventh-consecutive monthly gain since late last summer, small business sentiment has now reached a stable level and will support sustainable economic growth, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business’ (CFIB).
Despite lackluster performance in March, the majority of equity funds in Canada posted gains for the first quarter of 2012, according to preliminary performance numbers released today by Morningstar Canada.
The Canadian IPO market is struggling for traction, after having the weakest quarter in recent history, and the outlook for the balance of 2012 remains uncertain.
Royal Bank of Canada is fending off serious allegations from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which has accused the bank and its subsidiaries of engaging in “wash trading”.
The chips seem to be falling in favour of investors, with North American equity markets rebounding after a volatile 2011 and the S&P 500 reaching its highest close in almost four years last Monday.
Several organizations have started to release their comments regarding this year's federal budget. Here's a summary of what they had to say.
As the U.S. economy continues to improve, investors seem to have lost their appetite for gold. Seen as a traditional safe haven, gold prices surged over the past decade, rising from just $253 in 2001 to nearly $2,000 in 2011.
Originally from our sister publication, Advising couples on how to identify their financial goals and create an effective plan together can be challenging, but the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has now released an online tool to help. The FCAC is now offering financial information geared towards couples as part of its online “Life […]
Boomers currently make up less of the workforce than ever before, with their promotion rates in the banking industry alone falling from 5% to 3% since 2006.