Plan sponsors looking to improve their mental-health benefits should consider offering online psychotherapy treatment programs for members, says Peter Gove, former innovation leader in health management at Green Shield Canada. “Just increasing the amount of coverage is a good thing, but probably insufficient,” he says. “The problem with just increasing the level of coverage is […]
Canada’s governments should consider updating the current retirement age to match the reality of today’s workforce, according to a new report by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries. “Canadians are living longer than ever, and many are choosing to work beyond age 65,” said John Dark, president of the CIA, in the report. “It makes sense to […]
In today’s changing workforce, employers need to stay on top of trends and technologies, as well as the wants and needs of their employees, to remain competitive. At Benefits Canada’s 2018 Benefits and Pension Summit, Lisa Taylor, president and founder of Challenge Factory Inc., a consultancy that helps employers and employees embrace emerging workplace trends, will share the five key drivers that […]
While Canadian employers are planning to continue to reward top performers with more generous raises, they also expect increases to remain steady for average employees, according to a new survey by Mercer. The survey projects Canadian salaries will rise by an average of 2.4 per cent in 2018 (up from 2.3 per cent in 2017), […]
Plan sponsors can get a better handle on their benefits costs through better management of chronic disease, participants at Benefits Canada’s Healthy Outcomes conference heard. “Better management of these diseases will lead to a much more productive workforce,” said Joe Farago, executive director of health-care innovation at Innovative Medicines Canada, during a session at the […]
While cardiovascular disease puts a serious financial burden on plan sponsors, they do have options to achieve better outcomes, according to a cardiologist who spoke at Benefits Canada’s Healthy Outcomes conference. “We’re losing all this money, all these lives and all this productivity. But we can actually prevent the majority of these heart attacks, strokes […]
With the growing prevalence of chronic diseases, plan sponsors got a primer on autoimmune conditions, treatment options and the impact they can have on employees at Benefits Canada’s Chronic Disease at Work event on June 22. Carolyn Whiskin, director of pharmacy programs at Charlton Health, began the conference by explaining that autoimmune diseases are the […]
With rising drug costs on the minds of many plan sponsors, a speaker at Benefits Canada’s Chronic Disease at Work event outlined some of the opportunities for them to manage their benefits plans. Suzanne Lepage, a private health plan strategist, discussed the impact of specialty drugs at the June 22 event in Toronto. She also […]
With rising drug costs on the minds of many plan sponsors, a speaker at Benefits Canada’s Chronic Disease at Work event outlined some of the opportunities for them to manage their benefit plans. Suzanne Lepage, a private health plan strategist, discussed the impact of specialty drugs at the June 22 event in Toronto. She also […]