The vast majority of investors (82 per cent) are satisfied with how their portfolios performed in the first half of 2020, despite some weak results in strategies such as emerging market debt and smart beta, according to a new study of 368 investors with combined assets of approximately US$11 trillion. Following the quickest equity market […]
Investment management fees for certain asset classes have declined substantially, especially in sectors where managers have been under pressure from new competitors, cheaper alternative strategies or heightened visibility on total costs. The findings are contained in a new study conducted by bfinance, analyzing changes in management fees since 2016. Using proprietary data culled from actual […]
Most thought hedge funds were a passing trend, but they have proven to be valuable trading vehicles. Few pension plans, particularly in Canada, had dipped their investment toes into the hedge fund pool 10 years ago. Academics had mixed pronouncements and the limited media coverage generally portrayed hedge funds as speculative, volatile and usually secretive […]