The contrast between the glacial pace at which pensions change and the rapid pace at which technology changes couldn’t be more striking.
Despite efforts at reform, the number of DB plans in Canada is still falling in favour of DC plans. Are the investment risks just too great to ignore? Or can DB plans be designed differently to address the inherent mismatch between liabilities and assets? Malcolm Hamilton weighs in. Read Ian Markham’s thoughts on the topic, […]
In Ontario, government programs guarantee single seniors an income $16,200 per annum, after tax. Couples get $26,300. In Canada, poverty rates for seniors are among the lowest in the world—even lower than Sweden. Those with low incomes will typically experience an increase in their standard of living upon retirement at age 65. As we move […]
What needs to change to make the Canadian retirement system sustainable? Our system is like the Titanic: big, slow to turn and vulnerable to large obstacles looming just over the horizon. It may be among the best retirement systems in the world, but with an aging population, low interest rates and recurring financial crises, we […]