In August 1989 I began work as editor of Benefits Canada. It was then that publisher John Milne informed me that Benefits Canada had a new special edition entitled Pour le Québec.
It was June 1990. The occasion was the annual ACPM conference, and we were in a big room at the Château Laurier in Ottawa.
"Never in the history of the world has any measure been brought here so insidiously designed as to prevent business recovery..."
Barber sees French conspiracy in Eurozone.
Fish, oil and California.
Canadian plan sponsors holding back on China, Africa.
China causing worsening climate for foreign investors: GIC Keynote
What are the investment opportunities in Africa?
© Copyright 2006 Rogers Publishing Ltd. The following article first appeared in the April 2005 edition of BENEFITS CANADA magazine. It’s spring. Canadians can finally see above the snow banks. It’s a season of change—time to paint the living room, time to plan that special summer trip. By Paul Williams Change has also come […]