There are a lot of reasons to believe financial markets will be very different in the next 10 to 20 years than what pension funds have been used to, according to Aaron Bennett, chief investment officer of the University Pension Plan, during a session at the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute forum in Montreal last […]
As the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities looks to update its capital accumulation plan guidelines, the amendments must reflect the changes in the industry, said Angela Mazerolle, vice-president of regulation at the Financial Services and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick, during a session at the 2022 Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute Forum in […]
Quebec’s closed the door on the idea of forming a pension benefits guarantee fund to protect members in retirement plans sponsored by employers that have declared bankruptcy. Finance Minister Éric Girard said Tuesday that no such measure would be included in the provincial budget set to be released March 10, reported Radio-Canada. In explanation, Girard […]
Indispensable and beneficial for some but unnecessary and expensive for others, paramedical services are an integral part of most group insurance plans in Canada. So should plan sponsors, always keen to optimize plan cost management, be concerned about the rise in the use of paramedicals in recent years? According to data from the latest Sanofi […]