Scot Blythe

Editor/Writer, Financial Services and Public Policy
I’ve been covering the investment industry for more than a decade, first as associate editor at Global Stratagems then as investments editor at, editor of CanHedge and finally editor of Advisor’s Edge Report. I have also contributed articles on alternative investments to Benefits Canada, Canadian Investment Review, and Report on Business magazine.

The pension debate is front and centre in Ottawa

  • February 24, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 10:00

Passive investing, in the form of investable indexes, is gaining more and more converts. Last month, it was reported that Norway’s Government Pension Fund was taken to task by the country’s finance ministry because its active managers underperformed their benchmarks. But are those benchmarks rational? A new paper from Russell Investments suggests what many active […]

  • February 22, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 15:07