Debaters decide prices are headed up.
In the pension fund world, accounting rules sometimes attract more attention than actuarial valuations. That’s because, at least among DB pension plans in the private sector, funding results are applied to the bottom line—but only in an approximate fashion. Let’s say the plan’s valuation assumes an 8% return on assets. Markets go down? No matter: […]
As of January, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are in effect for publicly traded Canadian companies. What’s pertinent to DB plans and other post-retirement benefits those companies offer is International Accounting Standard 19. IAS 19 is being modified, with the changes effective in January 2013. Here is a summary of the major changes, derived, in […]
Iceland didn't take the money - and now it's on the mend.
GIC featured speaker Jeffrey Scott shares what he's doing.
Private participation lacking.
AIMA Canada panel talks rocks and trees.
Preview of the 2011 Global Investment Conference.
From With most Canadian private-sector workers lacking access to a defined benefit (DB) pension plan – and with the ones who do facing Nortel-like catastrophes – naturally attention turns to the apparently greater resources of the state. Hence the preference of many union and retiree advocates for a beefed-up CPP, rather than encouragement for […]
2011 Global Investment Conference: find out what's on the agenda.