A few years ago, Jennifer Moore, manager of HR and organizational development at Dufferin Child and Family Services (DCFS), noticed a spike in casual and short-term sick leaves among the agency’s 80 employees.
Communications professionals often stress the need to relay a message seven times in seven different ways to get a point across.
When an employee passed away last year from leukemia, Marty Shaw, CEO of DOT Integrated Financial in Toronto, was glad that he had set up a wellness program for his 60-odd employees.
It seems reasonable to assume that people working in healthcare would be more health-conscious than others. But hectic schedules, long hours and working in a stressful environment can make it difficult for staff to focus on their personal health.
When Shoppers Drug Mart (SDM) set out to review its benefits program in 2009, it quickly became apparent that the company had a galvanizing opportunity to do something that had never been done before.
With public payers across the country acknowledging the value of pharmacy by expanding scopes of practice and funding more services, there are opportunities for drug plan sponsors to capitalize on pharmacists’ expertise to better manage spending and improve health outcomes.
Canada’s CAP suppliers had a pretty good year in 2010. Overall, the Top 10 CAP Providers showed double-digit growth (up 16.1% from 2010), as did the Top 10 DC Plan Providers (up 15.9%), the Top 10 Group RRSP Providers (up 15.8%), and the Top 10 DPSP Providers (up 16.2%).
Download the Pension and Benefits Legal Directory Over the last two decades, the pension and benefits industry has had its share of legal issues. Following is a look at some of the important cases and what they mean for plan sponsors now and in the future. Pension: Schmidt v. Air Products Canada Ltd. (1994) In […]
Courtesy of Canadian Healthcare Network Despite promises from Ontario’s Health Minister Deb Matthews that generic drug prices will fall as a result of the province’s new drug reform policies, some consumers are shocked to find that lower pricing doesn’t apply to all generics. A recent article published in the Toronto Sun stated that, although the […]
Thirty-year-olds in today’s workforce want job satisfaction and stability but demand flexibility. Mikal Hiscock and Rebecca Ford don’t know each other, but they have at least a couple of things in common. Dissatisfied with their current employment situations, both 30-year-olds hope to find new positions, which better suit their needs—and both insist that once […]