As private equity investments become all the more commonplace in pension fund portfolios, is the asset class really worth it? According to a paper by Ludovic Phalippou, professor of financial economics at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, private equity funds have failed to outperform equities over a 10-year period. But the real catch is […]
Two-thirds (65 per cent) of plans sponsors said they have a specific objective for their health benefits plan for the upcoming year, compared to 56 per cent that said the same in 2018, according to the 2020 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. Overall, 21 per cent said they strongly agree they have a specific objective, increasing to […]
Many asset classes, including private equity, have been hammered by the coronavirus fallout, but opportunities still exist in the primary middle market for a variety of structural reasons, according to a new report by Capital Dynamics. Specifically, it noted that primary private equity fund managers deploy capital over three to five years, which avoids the […]
Even as Canada begins to reopen from coronavirus lockdown, uncertainty remains high and Canadians need employer mental-health supports more than ever. According to Morneau Shepell Ltd.’s latest mental-health index, Canadians’ mental-health score sat at negative 11 in June. The index measures the score based on a pre-2020 benchmark of 75. While June’s score was one […]
The British Columbia Investment Management Corp., the AustralianSuper and two Dutch pension funds — APG and PGGM — are jointly establishing a responsible investing platform. The sustainable development investments asset owner platform, which will be available through distribution partner Qontigo, features standard and artificial intelligence-driven data that enables investors to assess companies on their contribution […]
New draft regulations from the federal government would allow registered pension plans to borrow money and extend the deadline to retroactively credit pensionable service under a defined benefit plan in a bid to help plan sponsors maintain their pensions through the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the government’s coronavirus economic response plan, the regulations would apply to employers […]
Most (79 per cent) plan sponsors said they have at least one major concern about their health benefits plan, with this increasing to 89 per cent for employers with 500 or more workers, according to the 2020 Sanofi Canada health-care survey. The top concerns include drug plan sustainability (42 per cent), dental plan sustainability (39 […]
The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association is appointing Suyi Kim, head of Asia Pacific at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, to its board of directors. “Emerging markets are core to CPP Investments’ long-term strategy,” she said in a press release. “We have been investing in emerging markets for over a decade and currently have […]
The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association is appointing Suyi Kim, head of Asia Pacific at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, to its board of directors. “Emerging markets are core to CPP Investments’ long-term strategy,” she said in a press release. “We have been investing in emerging markets for over a decade and currently have […]
The increase in U.S. corporate debt issued in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak could be a warning signal to credit investors, according to a recent blog post by MSCI’s Research’s managing director, Andy Sparks, and executive director, Gergely Szalka. As many companies headed into the current crisis with an already heavy debt burden, new […]