When the euro was created on Jan. 1, 1999, few could have predicted what the next decade would bring.
Pensions and saving for retirement seem to be everywhere in the news today. Yet many Canadians don’t place a high priority on employer-sponsored pension plans.
More voices are speaking out against the “platinum-plated pensions” provided to Canada’s members of parliament.
The coming year is expected to bring good and bad news for the Canadian job market, according to a survey of more than 350 organizations by the Wynford Group.
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has entered into a co-investment agreement with Brazil-based Aliansce Shopping Centers to acquire an additional 7.87% ownership in a shopping mall in Salvador, Brazil.
Canadians have doubts about their private and government-funded pension plans, according to a survey carried out as part of the National Bank of Canada’s Retirement Index. Despite an increase from 2010 in Canadians’ overall confidence regarding retirement and savings (from 5.4 to 5.9 out of 10), confidence remains low—particularly with respect to the government’s ability […]
When Alberta Health Services (AHS) was formed in 2008 as an amalgamation of the province’s former health regions, it had a difficult task: consolidate the benefits and pension program for approximately 90,000 employees spread across Alberta and based in close to three dozen sites.
Jim Leech, president and CEO of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, has been named among the best of the best, according to Britain’s Telegraph newspaper.
While the 2008 financial crisis left many pension plans questioning their investment strategies, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) began that process before the markets fell.
Most North American workers did not use all of their available vacation time this year, according to a survey by consulting firm Right Management.