In order to avoid the looming skills crisis in Canada, employers should consider retaining, rather than replacing, older workers. That’s the argument put forth by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in their discussion paper, Incenting Seniors to Continue Working.
Stay the course and remain calm. That’s the message from the Portfolio Management Association of Canada’s membership on how to best cope with current market volatility and global economic troubles.
Judy Bridgman knows all too well what it means to go through an emotionally trying time. Her son had a liver transplant when he was 10 years old, and the experience made her realize how illness and surgery can impact psychological well-being—and how difficult it can be to get the support you need. Fortunately, her employer provided that support.
Benefits management services provider Express Scripts Canada has announced the introduction of a new business model, which, it says, will enable companies to better control the costs of their drug plans.
Under the current Canada Pension Plan (CPP) rules, employees and employers are not required to pay CPP contributions for employees who are working while collecting CPP. However, effective Jan. 1, 2012, if an employee is under age 65 and continues to work while receiving CPP, both the employer and employee will be required to make CPP contributions.
Canada’s pension system rounds out the top 10 of the most stable systems in the world, according to research by Allianz Global Investors.
‘Tis the season—for the flu, that is. And that means it’s time to consider ways to keep your employees healthy and your business running smoothly.
Plan sponsors need to take a holistic view to their members’ retirement savings and understand that at different stages in employees’ lives, they face different challenges, says Robin Pond, investment consultant with Buck Consultants.
Watch this video There’s a perception that DC plan members don’t feel responsible for managing risk, says Marcus Turner, senior investment consultant with Towers Watson Canada Inc. Anecdotally, this disengagement has been attributed to members feeling like they don’t have to take responsibility because they belong to a large corporation that will take care of […]
Watch this video With DC plans, there’s no guarantee that members will end up with a sufficient retirement income at the end, warns Michelle Loder, Canadian DC business leader with Towers Watson Canada Inc. However, monitoring the plan’s performance—not necessarily based on a retirement benefit adequacy promise but rather on how plan members will fare […]