The assets for the U.S.’s 100 largest public sector retirement plans rose 1.3% to US$2.8 trillion in the second quarter of 2011, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau. The rise marks the highest level since the second quarter of 2008. Year-to-year, total assets rose 17.6%, or US$414 billion. Holdings of corporate […]
If you want to reduce benefits costs and get the best ROI from your employee wellness program, implement participation incentives and automation. That’s the finding from a study by bswift, a U.S. software provider for employee benefits administration. The report, 2011 Wellness and Benefits Administration Benchmarking Study, surveyed 150 companies, and found that of those […]
What’s the best way to communicate with your DC plan members? It’s a question many plan sponsors struggle with as they try to educate and engage their members. Unfortunately, there’s no quick and easy answer. Communication methods are always changing, and sponsors are increasingly required to implement a variety of techniques. “I think the methods […]
Watch this video Too often, benefits plan administration and costs take up a plan sponsor’s focus—leaving communication efforts to suffer, says Sarah Beech, region director, Central Canada, with Aon Hewitt. In this BenefitsCanadaTV interview, Beech discusses ways employers can make their benefits plans more engaging, by bringing plans “to a more personal level as opposed […]
Canadian employees are too in debt to think about retirement planning. That’s the implication from a recent report by Morneau Shepell, which shows more workers are accessing their employee assistance programs (EAPs) for debt and credit issues, but fewer are seeking help with investment planning. According to the report, 63.2% of the time that people […]
Employee morale is down, but benefits education can be an effective way to boost workplace satisfaction, says a recent survey by U.S.-based benefits provider Unum. The survey of 1,712 working adults found that 63% of employees think their employer values their work, down from 70% in 2008, and that even fewer, 56%, feel that their […]
If you’re looking to hire and retain generation Y workers, you might want to reconsider your benefits and communication plans. As more gen Ys (typically, those born after 1979) enter the workforce—and more baby boomers leave—employers will need to understand gen Y’s preferences and communication styles, especially with respect to workplace benefits. “The ability to […]
Salaries are expected to increase in 2012, but it will take more than that to recruit and retain top talent. Aon Hewitt’s Canada Salary Increase Survey projects an average salary increase of 3.1% next year, a slight improvement over 2011’s actual increases, which averaged 2.9%. The increase is good news for Canadians who may have […]
Canadian pension plans hold 5% of the globe’s pension fund assets—the fourth largest share in the world—according to a recent study by Towers Watson and Pensions & Investments. The survey of the world’s 300 largest pension funds found the U.S. remains the country with the largest share of assets at 34%, although this has declined […]
Keep calm and carry on; Canada is okay. That was the overall message given by a panel of chief economists from Canada’s big five banks, who spoke at the Economic Club’s Emergency Economic Outlook session this morning. While the U.S. and European economies continue to struggle, Canada has managed to remain relatively stable, and both […]