Keeping your employees healthy is a challenge. Learn from these employers’ strategies.
What role does an employer play in the health of its workforce? How can pension plan sponsors help members to make better investment decisions? Why might emerging markets lead the way for future growth opportunities? Benefits Canada’s 2012 Benefits & Pension Summit, held earlier this week at the Marriott Eaton Centre in Toronto, addressed these questions and more, from various perspectives.
Many pension plans remain underfunded, but improving markets have helped to narrow the gaps. Plan managers can now afford to rein in the risk in their portfolios and are taking a more cautious approach. But will too much focus on risk mitigation lead to underperformance? Or will plan managers strike the balance that gives them […]
2010 DC Plan Summit report May 07, 2010 | Various authors Our 11th annual DC Plan Summit, Looking Back To Look Forward, offered plan sponsors a vision of the future. From pension reform to new investment and communication strategies, delegates shared informative presentations and insightful dialogue to help shape the DC industry. Session 1 – […]
On the Road to Wellness May 01, 2008 | Various Authors Our 2008 Healthy Outcomes conference provides directions on motivating employees to take responsibility for their own health. The rationale for employee health It seems so logical: if you improve the health and well-being employees, their quality of life will improve, healthcare utilization will decrease, […]
It’s not just anecdotal, hard research shows prudent plan sponsors are addressing climate change when making their investment decisions. In what is really an astonishingly short space of time, climate change has evolved from a relatively arcane, primarily scientific issue into a rapidly growing investment concern for investors and fiduciaries worldwide. Even Canadian institutional investors, […]
Two days that changed the way plan sponsors think. DAY ONE Session A(9:00-9:30): Aiming for success The message and the methods: the power of targeted communication in a DC world Lori Bak is vice-president, client relationships and marketing, Sun Life Financial In marketing lingo, it’s called “spray and pray”—the practice of sending communications to a […]