An Ontario senior has been charged with defrauding the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security programs of approximately $133,000.
Canada’s largest DC plans had a good year in 2013. Figures released by the Canadian Institutional Investment Network show that the Top 10 DC plans across the country increased their assets in 2013. However, plan sponsors still worry about that many of their members are underprepared for retirement.
Federal employees take nearly three times more sick days than Canadian employees in other sectors, sparking concerns in the wake of Labour Day about chronic sick-leave abuse that needs to be stopped.
It’s 9 a.m. on Monday morning, just another day at the office. Employees are rushing in, coffee cups in hand, trying to get a head start on the workweek. Undoubtedly, many of them are thinking, This nine-to-five arrangement is too rigid. But for all of the discussion about work/life balance over the past decade, flexible work schedules have declined in Canada.
Lucrative deals might be just a mouse click away for Canada’s pension funds and other institutional investors.
A major aspect of America’s new healthcare legislation are government-run online marketplaces, or exchanges, where individuals and employer groups can shop for health plans. But these public marketplaces are not so popular with the country’s employers. Due to concerns about projected increases in healthcare expenses, companies see private health exchanges as more cost-effective solutions.
Canada needs a national senior healthcare strategy, the absence of which would place a greater burden not only on the elderly but also on their caregivers and the rest of the nation.
To address its growing DB pension deficit, the ailing Canada Post needs to gradually contract out more of its services, according to an e-brief by the C.D. Howe Institute.
New figures confirm that life expectancy in Canada has increased—a trend that, in the eyes of experts, poses a threat for the sponsors of both DB and DC plans and calls for new measures such as transferring risks to insurance companies and providing education for plan members.
As longevity increases and workplace pension plans decline, an alarming number of Canadians believe they are better equipped for a long retirement than they actually are—and few know how much money they will need to put aside.